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Form 1040-EZ Corpus Christi Texas: What You Should Know

Tel: Fax:. This document is for information only and does not constitute legal advice. To obtain tax advice specific to your situation, please contact an IRS tax advocate. Ā Please beĀ entitledĀ to a fee waiver. Information contained on this website is valid for a 180-day period from time of posting. The tax information you provide should not be relied upon for transactions occurring after June 4, 2015. William H. Cleveland, Jr. is a CPA in Tarrant County, Texas, and a Certified Public Accountant. For over 30 years, William has been involved in tax and advisory services for both local firms and large companies. He has extensive business experience in the areas of corporate and securities law, estate planning, and international and domestic tax issues. William is a graduate of Texas A&M University with his Master of Accounting (MBA). He holds a B.Sc. in Accounting from the University of Texas at Dallas (1974), and is a lifetime member of the Texas School of Business. He is a frequent speaker on the subject of tax matters on the Texas A&M University campus and has lectured as an adjunct professor at the University of Houston, Austin, and University of Central Florida. Furthermore, he is a frequent radio and television pundit on issues relating to taxes. William's writings include numerous articles in the local community newspaper and has testified numerous times before the Texas House and Texas Senate on the tax related issues he frequently presents. He is also a frequent contributor to the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles Blog.

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